Stacey Brown
My name is Stacey I am Luke’s oldest sister and I am going to be a trustee for The Luke Brown Meningitis Foundation.
Luke was more than my only brother, he was my 4 kids only uncle and one of my best friends. Family is everything to Luke he adores his 5 nephews Lennon, Reo, Braxon, Reggie, Reni and his only niece Romi-Vogue.
Luke enjoyed nothing more than having fun, sunbathing, going on holiday, getting drunk, a good old bet and not forgetting his beloved Tranmere Rovers. As a family our family chain is broken we have lost our only son, brother and uncle. I want to raise as much awareness and help as many families affected by Meningitis as we can, saving one family from the pain we are feeling will make it all worth while!

Jamie Morris
My name is Jamie and I am going to be a trustee for The Luke Brown Meningitis Foundation.
I knew Luke for a good few years from going to the football, nights out, and holidays abroad.
Luke will always be missed by me and many others who went the games together.
I have so many memories that will always be and we will do as much as we can in his name.
Since Luke passed, I have wanted to help raise awareness of Meningitis and have played a very active role in setting up the foundation and raising much needed funds to help with the foundations goals.

Colin Simpson
I’m Colin and I’ve been asked to be a trustee for the Luke Brown Meningitis Foundation.
Luke was a close friend to us all and loved nothing more than being around his mates and travelling the country watching Tranmere Rovers. We had so many great times and had many more planned before Luke sadly passed.
Meningitis is a disease that has personal significance for me, having contracted the virus myself in 2002. Raising awareness is critical and I hope to play a part in doing so for the charity.

Megan Kelly
Hi, my names is Megan. I feel very honoured to have been asked to be part of the Luke Brown Meningitis Foundation.
Although I didn’t know Luke personally, I seen first hand the affect of his passing had on his family and friends. He is the second person to have died in as many years that I have known through close friends.
I am really looking forward to being on the committee, putting my fundraising ideas across and helping out with anything I can.

Natalie Henshaw
My name is Natalie and I’m Luke’s second cousin. I only met Luke once due to families growing up and going their separate ways.
On 7th September 2018, Luke’s Mum, Viv, contacted me to start a fitness journey with me as I’m a PT. From the moment Viv walked through the door that bond was made. We became the closest of friends and we are family.
In September 2019, Viv & our team Becky’s Warriors completed the Full Tough Mudder course to raise money for our friends daughter Becky who has HD and her charity Huntington’s Disease. Luke was super proud of his Mum taking part in Tough Mudder and how his mums fitness levels had increased. Four weeks later Luke passed away.
I have witnessed first hand the devastation Luke’s passing has brought to Del, Viv, Stacey, Milly & their children. They have one incredible bond as a family and when this tragedy could have ripped their family apart, it has made their bond unbreakable, it is humbling to witness.
I was honoured to be asked to be on the board of the The Luke Brown Meningitis Foundation by Del & Viv. I will bring my knowledge of being a Personal Trainer and being involved in running and other sporting events to raise as much money for the foundation.

Tommy Harper
Hi, my name is Tommy and I was a friend of Lukes.
I met Luke many years ago, first meeting him at Tranmere games when we were both younger. We both continued to go to the games together and that’s how we became friends.
Luke was a young bubbly lad with a passion for going the football with the lads like we all did.
I’ve been behind a few of the fundraisers for the foundation and have ran and walked them as well raising money along the way.
It’s an honour to be involved in the foundation, not only to help remembering raise money in our mate Luke’s name, but also as meningitis.
This made my mum very unwell not too long ago. So it has played a big part in my life.
It will be amazing to hit the goals we want to achieve as a foundation and help others out in this horrible position.
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